Montessori Preschool Programs
The curriculum includes:
The Montessori preschool program we offer has the main starting points of regular Montessori education. We also add some extracurricular activities for children to dive into.
Practical Life
Practical life is the ability to take care of yourself and your environment. Practical life teaches your child the essential lessons of following procedures, practicing preciseness, working through to the end, and finishing well—all crucial elements for succeeding in life. The indirect aim of these exercises is the preparation for writing and reading.
Sensorial Activities
Training your child's senses is Dr. Montessori's brilliant yet simple discovery and her observation of the "sensitive periods" in a child's development. A sensitive period is when a child can almost effortlessly master a concept of learning. The exercises of sight and sound, color, and dimension are all being addressed and refined as the child explores the unique apparatus in the Montessori environment.
Montessori's unique approach to teaching writing before reading is still revolutionary even after a hundred years. Combining a phonics base with the systematic development of writing skills (thanks to practical life) allows your child the joy of discovering the hidden meaning in words and becoming great readers and writers.
Montessori math materials start with concrete. The materials are designed to give your child a solid understanding of the relationships of numbers and their functions long before progressing to abstract applications. After the concepts have become solid, your child may rapidly proceed to master addition and subtraction and often multiplication.

Cultural subjects
Montessori education opens the whole world to your child with fascinating hands-on exercises in geography, botany, zoology, earth, and physical science.
The young child acquires the sounds of language effortlessly. The ear is attuned. The mind is engaged, and words are released into phrases, sentences, and conversations.
Computers are tools of the present—even for preschoolers! As they learn basic operations to allow them access to the many math, language, and science programs in the school's software library.
The happy voices of singing children fill Lakewood with music and song. Music becomes "thinking in sound." The students give a yearly holiday concert and provide music for the end-of-year program.
Physical Activity
Children are created to move in the classroom with deliberate, controlled movements or on the playground with abandon. Physical activity is an essential element in a child's growth and development.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Include art, story drama, educational videos, board games, computer programs, music, movement, Kid Fit (age-appropriate sports activities), and Spanish Club.